Over the past decade, Lindsay Poitevint has acquired experience in New Mexico, West Texas, and central Arizona in survey, excavation, artifact analysis, and agency compliance. She has worked with New Mexico State University as research assistant, with the Bureau of Land Management and the Forest Service in cultural resource compliance and archaeological survey. She has also gain experience in the private sector in both excavation and survey on Fort Bliss Military Reservation, New Mexico and Texas, and White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico. Additional experience includes survey within various National Forests in Region 3, both in New Mexico and Arizona. She has documented historic railroads on the Lincoln, Cibola and Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests, all associated with early logging and timber harvesting. Ms. Poitevint has experience with field and laboratory lithic, ceramic and faunal analyses. At Four Corners Research, she oversees projects and participates in the preparation of reports and other related documents. She has the basic skills to create maps using ArcView and other GIS software. She is currently listed as a PI for the State of New Mexico and is also permitted as Project Director in the NW, SW, and SE permit areas for the BLM-New Mexico State Office.
Mr. Greenwald has been conducting in archaeological field studies since 1991. His experience has been focused in central, east-central, and western Arizona and a majority of New Mexico. He has experience working on the Jornada Mogollon, Hohokam, Cibola Anasazi/Mogollon Frontier, Salado, historic homesteads, and historic military sites. He has excavated Late Archaic and early Jornada Mogollon sites in the Rio Hondo Valley, Hohokam Classic and Post Classic compounds in the Salt River Valley, and Anasazi, Mogollon, and Archaic sites near Quemado as part of the Fence Lake Mine and Transportation Corridor project. He has extensive survey experience in New Mexico in Eddy County on the Dark Canyon project and Saragosa Seismic survey, in Lea County on an 8600-acre survey on private lands, in Lincoln County on the Maverick, Scot Able, Cree, and Cedar Perk surveys, in Otero County on the White Sands National Monument sample survey, in Socorro County on the C-Bar survey, Elephant Butte survey, and Fort Conrad site documentation, and in Rio Arriba County on the Dry Lakes survey. He has participated on surveys in every National Forest throughout New Mexico. In Arizona, he has survey experience in Apache, Mohave, and Maricopa counties. He is proficient with Trimble GEO XT and Garmin GPS site mapping and navigation, in-field historic and lithic artifact analysis, photography, and ArcGIS drafting/mapping.
Mr. Greenwald has 41 years of experience in cultural resource management, has been active as a Southwestern archaeologist since 1971, has been a Field Supervisor since 1979, a Project Manager since 1987, and a Principal Investigator since 1991. He has directed a wide range of projects, and has managed multidisciplinary teams with great success. Mr. Greenwald has worked with various urban, state, and federal agencies, as well as the private sector, throughout New Mexico and the Southwestern U.S. in general. He is experienced in cultural resource management law, regulations, and standards, and he understands agency concerns and requirements.
Heather Blanton has extensive archaeological experience in south-central and southwestern New Mexico, although she has worked throughout the state. Her field experience includes survey, surface collection, testing, data recovery, site recording and mapping, and test unit and feature excavation. Her laboratory skills include archival, background, and site file research, data entry, completion of site forms, artifact marking and analysis, as well as contributing to the completion of project reports. Ms. Blanton has extensively studied human skeletal remains and is experienced in skeletal analyses, including inventory, sexing/aging, and overall life-history, diet, and pathologies of the remains. In the past, she worked with the Civil War-era soldiers from the Fort Craig exhumations. This work completed with Four Corners Research led to the development of her Master’s Thesis at NMSU. Her focus of this work involved a thorough examination of the skeletal remains of the vertebrae and lower extremities of all adult males, in addition to trauma and injury sustained by the individual as evidenced by their skeletal remains. Ms. Blanton’s expertise extends across the Lincoln, Gila, Carson, Santa Fe, and Cibola National Forests and includes both prehistoric and historic resources. She is currently listed as a PI and holds a burial permit for New Mexico SHPO and is also permitted as Field Supervisor in the NW, SW, and SE permit areas for the BLM-New Mexico State Office.
Ms. Jackson-Legare is a principle investigator with 14 years combined field, laboratory, archival, and report-writing experience in Southwest region archaeology. She is permitted for both the Southwestern and Southeastern regions for the BLM and permitted for the State of New Mexico. She has completed projects that include survey, site recordation, data recovery, and ethnohistory. She has been actively involved in all aspects of the project process, from research design development to artifact analysis, data synthesis, and interpretation. She has expertise in the Southwest ceramic typologies, with Jornada Mogollon ceramics types in particular, but is also the ceramics of other regions, and is very familiar with their temporal phases and associated features. In addition to ceramic analysis, Ms. Jackson-Legare is also skilled at lithic analysis (both flaked and ground stone), osteological and historic artifact analysis.
She has conducted field work, analysis, interpretation, eligibility recommendations, and documentation for evaluations in support of the Section 106 process (National Historic Preservation Act, 35 CFR 800), and report preparation in a supervisory capacity for projects in New Mexico, west Texas, and Arizona on both public and private lands, and for a variety of municipal, county, state, and federal agencies. These include the City of Las Cruces, BLM, Fort Bliss, US Forest Service, Holloman Air Force Base, White Sands Missile Range, Yuma Proving Grounds, and the Army Corps of Engineers. Her experience includes archaeological projects in the all areas Jornada Mogollon culture region, the Mimbres Mogollon culture region, the Camino Real and Jornada del Muerto, Camp Laguna at Yuma Proving Grounds in Arizona, the Pecos River valley in eastern New Mexico. Through these projects, she has done rock art recordation, artifactual analysis, oral history and archival research, acequia documentation, faunal identification, and human remains identification. She is also familiar with the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA). She has given presentations on several aspects of Jornada Mogollon and regional historic archaeology, including Jornada expressions of Pueblo ceremonialism, El Paso series ceramics, and the oral history and archaeology of acequias in New Mexico. She also teaches anthropology at Dona Ana Community College.
Experience working in the CRM field for both the private and public sectors in Southwest region. Since beginning with Four Corners research, Mr. Trujillo has gained experience in pedestrian survey, mapping, site documentation, data recovery, artifact analysis, report production, including site write-ups and completion of LA Site Records. Mr. Trujillo’s experience extends across on various US National Forests within Region 3 and within the SW, SE, and NW permit areas of the Bureau of Land Management. Mr. Trujillo has also gained experience excavating Jornada Mogollon pithouse village sites during the data recovery on White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico.